Map showing results from all GeoERA projects.
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Hydrocarbon fields in the North Sea. This dataset contains information about the types of hydrocarbon, status, start year and operator. The dataset is compiled by the GARAH project and is based on data from the National Data Repositories from Norway, Denmark, Germany, The Netherlands and The UK.
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Bo member. Colours are based on the estimate of free gas in 109 m3 for the percentile P50
More information is found in the report Deliverable 2.3. Updated assessment of the conventional and unconventional resources of the North Sea Basin
100 m Kimmeridge Clay equivalent. Colours are based on the estimate of free gas in 109 m3 for the percentile P50. A 100 m thick slice of kimmeridge clay and its equvalents is assumed to be more realistic with respect to development and exploitation than the whole unit thickness.
The Kimmeridge Clay and the Mandal Formation. Ages from the Upper Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous. Colours are based on the estimate of free gas in 109 m3 for the percentile P50
The Posidonia shale from the Lower Jurassic. Colours are based on the estimate of free gas in 109 m3 for the percentile P50.
The Sleen Formation from the Upper Triassic (Rhaetian) in the German Central Graben. Colours are based on the estimate of free gas in 109 m3 for the percentile P50.
More information is found in the report Deliverable 2.3. Updated assessment of the conventional and unconventional resources of the North Sea Basin . A description of the attributes is also found in the metadata description.
The Bowland Hodder shale and the Geverik Member from the Carboniferous. Colours are based on the estimate of free gas in 109 m3 for the percentile P50
Bo Member and the Hot Shale from the Lower Cretaceous. Colours are based on the estimate of free oil in 106 m3 for the percentile P50.
More information is found in the report Deliverable 2.3. Updated assessment of the conventional and unconventional resources of the North Sea Basin .
100 m thickness of the Kimmeridge Clay and the Mandal Formation. Ages from the Upper Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous. A 100 m thick slice of kimmeridge clay and its equvalents is assumed to be more realistic with respect to development and exploitation than the whole unit thickness. Colours are based on the estimate of free oil in 106 m3 for the percentile P50.
More information is found in the metadata description and the report Deliverable 2.3. Updated assessment of the conventional and unconventional resources of the North Sea Basin .
The Kimmeridge Clay and the Mandal Formation. Ages from the Upper Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous. Colours are based on the estimate of free oil in 106 m3 for the percentile P50.
More information is found in the report Deliverable 2.3. Updated assessment of the conventional and unconventional resources of the North Sea Basin and in the metadata description.
Posidonia shale and equivalents from the Lower Jurassic. Colours are based on the estimate of free oil in 106 m3 for the percentile P50.
The Sleen Formation from the Upper Triassic (Rhaetian) in the German Central Graben. Colours are based on the estimate of free oil in 106 m3 for the percentile P50.
Shallow Gas.
A detailed description about lithology, structures, ages etc is given in the attribute table. Further information is found in the report Deliverable 2.3. Updated assessment of the conventional and unconventional resources of the North Sea Basin .
Lower Eocene.
Upper Cretaceous.
Lower Cretaceous.
Upper Jurassic.
Middle Jurassic.
Lower Jurassic.
Permian Rotliegend.
Modelled amounts of gas for different source rocks. BEWARE that some of the polygons are overlapping/identical
Modelled amounts of oil for different source rocks. BEWARE that some of the polygons are overlapping/identical
Calculated vitrinite reflectance (EASY%Ro) at the Base Cretaceous Unconformity subcrop. The subcrop covers the Top Upper Jurassic, Top Lower Jurassic and Triassic
Calculated average vitrinite reflectance (EASY%Ro) for the Upper Jurassic interval
Calculated average vitrinite reflectance (EASY%Ro) for the Lower Jurassic interval.
Calculated vitrinite reflectance (EASY%Ro) at the Top Lower Jurassic
Wells used for calibration of the model
3D Study area
The results of the studies are described in
Deliverable 2.4. 3D Pilot Study - Unconventionals
Deliverable 2.5. 3D Pilot Study - Conventionals
Cross section through the 3D model with link to profile that shows hydrocarbon migration and accumulations. For further explanation see figure 14 in the report Deliverable 2.5. 3D Pilot Study - Conventionals
The extent of the four source rocks in the 3D model study area
From figure 11 in 3D Pilot Study - Conventionals
Example showing the distribution of accumulations after introducing more reservoir layers and tighter shaly lithologies in the overburden to force pressure built-up in the upper part of the Cenozoic section. The areas marked by coloured circles represent areas where majority of HCs are accumulated in the individual reservoir layer shown in the upper right corner. Remaining accumulations not encircled are areas where HCs accumulate in Upper Cretaceous reservoir.
From figure 18 in in the report Deliverable 2.5. 3D Pilot Study - Conventionals
Salt diapirs and salt pillows in the North Sea Area. The source of data is described in the attribute table.
Basins and highs from NAG-TEC: Northeast Atlantic Geoscience Tectonostratigraphic Atlas
Basins and highs from NAG-TEC: Northeast Atlantic Geoscience Tectonostratigraphic Atlas . The symbolization is based on the age of the structual element
Structural regions from NAG-TEC: Northeast Atlantic Geoscience Tectonostratigraphic Atlas .
Assessment of CO2 Storage Potential in Europe
Final Report Executive Summary
Area of interest of the GARAH project workpackage 2. The GARAH project focuses on the petroleum systems of both conventional and unconventional resources in the North Sea.
Likelihood of occurrence (below seafloor) of marine hydrates in the sediment column, and subsequently the likelihood of them being affected by dissociation processes resulting from natural or human-induced activities (liquefaction, explosions, collapse, crater-like depressions or submarine landslides).
Reliability of the susceptibility assessment to the presence of marine hydrate deposits. It based on the density of geographical data taken into account in the susceptibility assessment.
Density map of hydrate evidence (samples of hydrates in gravity cores or wells) and indicators (seismic anomalies or geochemical indicators). It has been developed with the "point density" algorithm of ArcGIS®. Pixel value, number of data per 100,000 km2. Parameters: population field, none; cell size, 5000; radius, 178,415 metres; areal units, square kilometres; method, geodesic. Knowledge gap, raster value < 1.
Density map of geothermal gradient developed with the "point density" algorithm of ArcGIS®. Pixel value, number of data per 100,000 km2. Parameters: population field, none; cell size, 5000; radius, 178,415 metres; areal units, square kilometres; method, geodesic. Knowledge gap, raster value < 1.
Density map of seafloor temperature developed with the "point density" algorithm of ArcGIS®. Pixel value, number of data per 100,000 km2. Parameters: population field, none; cell size, 5000; radius, 178,415 metres; areal units, square kilometres; method, geodesic. Knowledge gap, raster value < 1.
Courtesy EMODnet Bathymetry
OBS: This service will only work, if you zoom in to a local area and keep the window small.
Sedimentation rates per year. Part of the European Marine Observation and Data network (EMODnet) Geology.
Total Sediment Thickness of the World's Oceans and Marginal Seas
Source: NOAA, National Centers for Environmental Information
Pipelines in the North Sea region. Data originate from the national repositories of UK, Norway, Germany, The Netherlands and Denmark